Saturday, April 17, 2010

CatPawstMews (a sisters blog)

OK - CatPawstMews,

Hopefully, the title gets your attention and sets the theme here. I'm not a worrier and would like to have a light hearted blog about my / our cats!

Lets try this as a start -I'd like you to feel free to post your cat stories in the comments section under whatever posts I make.

Or perhaps you could send me an email to:-

You will have to copy and paste my email addy, because I don't know how to do the HTML thAng.. OK - Poss attach the kitty pics too, if I can use it I'll post it for you. Perhaps even a link to your blog too!

Please head over to Twitter and follow my Meows (tweets) too!
CatPawstMews on Twitter.. Click here!

Someone should set up a 'Meows' to balance against Twitter don't you think? It would be bigger and better, since more people have cats than birds AND cats eat birds! (You do realise I'm trying to be funny, I don't really mean it).

Anyway, I'm still in the set-up phase of this blog and I work a lot, so it may take me a while to get it started right. Please bare with.. OK.

Also my brother Andy is helping me with hints and tips on how to put this blog together, so I have to wait on his time for help on how to do this and that..

Christine Angelo